June 18 and June 25

World Refugee Sunday

Click on the poster to go to more resources – the link will take you to an external website of an organisation that partners with the RHP international and the WEA for Refugee Sunday. You will find World Refugee Sunday posters in a range of different languages which are available to download. 

June 20th is World Refugee Day, and the World Evangelical Alliance has declared the Sundays before and after June 20th to be observed as World Refugee Sunday. This year World Refugee Sunday falls on June 18th and June 25th.

Scripture is clear about the injustices that God actively defends. Verse after verse, God declares justice for the stranger, fatherless, and the widow.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me….” – Matthew 25.35

 We also encourage you to use the #WorldRefugee Sunday and #RefugeeHighway to share what you are doing, in order to encourage and inspire others to join in.

On World Refugee Sunday would your church consider highlighting the challenges daily faced by refugees; and what it means to welcome the stranger? 

Special Refugee Sunday Resources

Click on the images below to open these resources that you are free to download and use as a part of your Refugee Sunday toolkit.

Sunday School Lesson Plan for Children

Take away message – God cares very deeply for the needs of those who are refugees. We, as Jesus’ children, are called to love on the refugees and the vulnerable. By treating them with love, we are also loving God. Click on the link to open the pdf: Children Resources Bible Message



Compassion Lesson Plan 

The following children’s lesson was created and provided for our use by The Prayer Covenant. Click on the link to open the pdf: Compassion Lesson + coloring sheet.

World Refugee Sunday National Resources


Gave Veste


World Refugee Week ideas


Schwizerische Evangelische Allianz


The Netherlands

Stichting GAVE

Refugee Prayer Week: https://www.gave.nl/nieuws/vluchtelingengebedsweek2023 


Video Resources

  1. Refugee Day – Every Action Counts UNHCR (January 2021) (3:04 minutes)
    UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi salutes the fortitude of refugees and the forcibly displaced many of whom have stepped up to contribute to the fight against the coronavirus pandemic despite their own hardships.
  2. How Do Migrants & Refugees Get to Europe? Four Major Paths Taken to Enter the EU – February 1, 2021 (9 minutes)
  3. 5 Years On – Images of the refugee crisis | Deutsche Well Documentary (September 4, 2020)
    These snapshots represent dramatic moments from the time when nearly a million refugees entered Germany in the summer of 2015. In this documentary the authors Bamdad Esmaili and Matthias Fuchs go in search of the stories behind the pictures. (45 minutes)
  4. World Refugee Day 2020 Promo Video – June 20, 2020 (1:19 minutes)
    The World Refugee Day Is Observed Annually on June 20 Around The World. The Day Is an International Observance Which Is Dedicated to Raising Awareness Of The Situation Of Refugees Throughout The World.
  5. What They Took With Them by UNHCR September 2016 (5:25 minutes)
    Cate Blanchett performs the rhythmic poem ‘What They Took With Them’ alongside fellow actors Keira Knightley Juliet Stevenson Peter Capaldi Stanley Tucci Chiwetel Ejiofor Kit Harington Douglas Booth Jesse Eisenberg and Neil Gaiman. The poem was written by Jenifer Toksvig and was inspired by stories and first-hand testimonies from refugees forced to flee their homes and items they took with them.
  6. God’s Heart for the Foreigner” by Global FrontiersMay 2016 (5:12 minutes)
  7. Kids Meet a Refugee – September 2018 (6:56 minutes)
  8. The Journey of Refugee to Europe by Love Europe (3:56 minutes)
    Many people are on the run because of war or because of persecution. In this beautiful video we follow one family trying to find refuge in a new country. 
  9. What Does It Mean to Be a Refugee – Benedetta Berti and Evelien Borgman – 2016 TedTalk (5:43 minutes)
The European Evangelical Alliance, have produced a 30 minute film entitled ‘The Peace Between’. ‘The Peace Between’ is a short, professional film featuring 3 friendships between a European and an asylum seeker, or refugee.  Find out more info and resources in our Church Pack or go to: www.peacebetweendialogue.com 

Let us unite together as the Body of Christ to welcome over 65.6 million men, women and children who have been forcibly displaced.

Map of the Refugee HighwayPicture

IAFR designed this stunning and informative poster to raise awareness about the realities of the Refugee Highway and of our mandate to love the alien as we love ourselves. Perfect for churches, class  rooms, dorm rooms and the office.

Download the Map and the Discussion Questions.

Other Resources

Visit Our Partners’ Sites for More Resources:

  RHP Europe relies on the support of its network. Please consider giving to enable the network to continue its important work of connecting and mobilizing leaders, churches and organizations to effectively engage with refugees.  Click on the Donate button to support RHP Europe. You will have the opportunity to give via PayPal - via your own PayPal account or via card.

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